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AMPA Headquarters

Wayfinding system for a business and commercial complex in Herzliya

Beit Ampa is a business and commercial complex in Herzliya Pituach. It includes a tower block, office buildings, a commercial level, and an underground parking lot. Our mission was to renew the signage system in the complex, in order to improve the wayfinding experience of both visitors and local workers. The main effort was directed toward completely revamping the signage system in the underground parking lot, which was not uniform and contained confusing information. The design solution was based on clear identification of the various entrances to each building, using color and typography to differentiate among them.

Client‭: ‬Ampa Real Estate Ltd; 
Zohar Levy‭, ‬CEO‭; ‬Ido Yosef‭, ‬VP
Landscape Architecture‭: ‬Maya Zohar
Designer in charge: Yanir Barazani
Photos‭: ‬Shai Epstein

Wayfinding Programs Offices & Corporate Parking Facilities


7 Ha’Kalaniot St.
Kiryat Tivon 30652
Tel: +972 (77) 4070 933
Fax: +972 (77) 4070 955