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Along the
Baron’s Path

An outdoor exhibition at the Memorial Gardens, Ramat Hanadiv

The exhibition trail “Along the Baron’s Path” highlights the great and varied accomplishments of Baron Edmond de Rothschild, and those who have carried on his work in Israel. The exhibition is comprised of aluminum panels in a variety of colors, on which texts and images are printed. The images, markers and texts are disassembled and reconstructed, layer upon layer. Some conceal while others reveal. The reassemblage of these images forms a composite picture that offers the visitor a singular, vibrant glimpse of a unique piece of history.

Client: Ramat Hanadiv, Zikhron Ya’akov
Curator: Dr. Nirit Shalev-Khalifa
Design: Kasher Design + Cecilia Vitas Design

Exhibition Design  Information Design  Parks & Gardens


7 Ha’Kalaniot St.
Kiryat Tivon 30652
Tel: +972 (77) 4070 933
Fax: +972 (77) 4070 955