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Galei Yam Mediatheque

Environmental Branding and
Orientation System for a Public Library

Public libraries nowadays don’t suffer from surplus budgets. Therefore the goal for this modest library was to use its budget to enhance the library experience. Looking for a method that was not too costly, the solution found was the use of eye-catching wall graphics. Completing the experience is a series of colorful banners hung from the ceiling that differentiate the literary genres.

Client: The City of Netanya, Public Libraries Dep.
Karin Adar, Manager of Library chain
Illustrations: Rutu Modan

Wayfinding programsPlacemaking Cultural & Public Building


7 Ha’Kalaniot St.
Kiryat Tivon 30652
Tel: +972 (77) 4070 933
Fax: +972 (77) 4070 955