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Ramat Hanadiv

Brand Update and Orientation System for Ramat Hanadiv Visitors Pavilion

In an effort to expose the public to the unique values and wide range of activities in Ramat Hanadiv, Kasher Design provided the client with a multi-aspect program: from branding to a signage program and exhibitions. We created a visual language that would be both informative and visually appealing to visitors.

Client: Ramat Hanadiv, Zikhron Ya’akov
Architects: Ada Karmi Melamede Architects
Project Manager: E.D. Rahat Engineering

Wayfinding Programs Placemaking  Parks & Gardens


7 Ha’Kalaniot St.
Kiryat Tivon 30652
Tel: +972 (77) 4070 933
Fax: +972 (77) 4070 955