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Netanya Sign Masterplan

Design and develop comprehensive sign masterplan for the city of Netanya

The day-to-day needs of the local authority to direct the public within its city generally produces temporary solutions, which do not resolve the issue in the long term. The result is a non-uniform style of signage, which causes disorder and visual “noise.” The purpose of this plan was to assist the municipality in determining a framework within its jurisdiction by setting clear criteria, which could later be the basis of overall signage and directional signs.

Client‭: ‬City of Netanya, Engineering division, signage department

Wayfinding Programs Sign Masterplans
Urban Settings Transportation


7 Ha’Kalaniot St.
Kiryat Tivon 30652
Tel: +972 (77) 4070 933
Fax: +972 (77) 4070 955